Labor Day Weekend Odds and Ends

It's Labor Day Weekend--summer's last hurrah.  I hope you are taking a refreshing break from work.  I've got all sorts of posts planned for the coming days, but right now, I'm taking a bit of a Labor Day break myself.  So here are a few odds and ends in the meantime.
A reminder: it's not too late to enter this exciting back-to-school YA eight-book giveaway.

Also, I wanted to share this really nifty webpage.  Someone designed an outfit based on Jane--the heroine of my first novel--an outfit Jane herself might wear.  

Finally, I just wanted to remind all my friends that Catherine is back in most bookstores, this time in her gorgeous paperback incarnation.  If you're in a bookstore, please check her out!    

By the way, there's a sample chapter from my next novel, Love, Lucy, in the back.


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